Hello paper lovers, I have neglected my blog this past month, I have been spending my spare time in the garden. Even though we have a small yard I call it a plantation! Love the warm weather and everything that goes with it. Now onto some paper crafting.
Today's projects are two recycled Laughing Cow cheese containers that I decorated for some graduating students I know.
I just cut some 4" circles on my Cricut to cover the top and bottoms of the containers, I cut the numbers with the Silhouette machine I always cut 3 or 4 of the same number and glue them together so the numbers are sturdy, it makes them similar to chipboard.
I have had this paper for years that has the neighborhood high school name, mascot and colors pre-printed on it. I use it whenever someone we know is graduating. This year it is Erica, who I made the banner for back in March. (See it in the Bannerama Post in March)
Below are the containers popped open ready for some graduation cash!! A special thank you to my friend Paula who saves all her containers for me.....I have endless ideas!!
Below is a quick project I did a few weeks ago. It is a paper weight from Making Memories I found it on the clearance rack at Michael's and scooped it up.
Decided to use a picture of my sister and I, from days gone by....in some cute dresses my Mom made for us for Easter that year.
The glass top just slips off so I can change it up or add some charms maybe.
Now for something yummy, saw these on the Man Versus Food TV show and my husband asked for a smaller version than was on the show.
Yes, that is salami, chopped rotisserie chicken, green onions and mozz cheese, then I topped them with another patty.
All done, and delicious! No bun for me just some lettuce and a bit of ranch dressing. They were so tasty you really didn't need any condiments.
Thank you for stopping by, and please leave a comment I would love to hear from you! Have a great day! Lori