Monday, October 6, 2014

Nevada City Day Trip

Hey welcome back!
Ready to check out where I picked for our second day tip?
 It was another gorgeous autumn day, so I said lets head for the hills....
 I was ready to see some trees after our trip to the dark side of the moon  uh I mean Pyramid Lake.
So I picked the charming mountain community of Nevada City.
Nevada city is one of the most quaint towns I have ever visited.
The street signs are made of wood....need I say more?
 Every house has a cute fence....

Adorable arches to enter the yards....
 This place is like a storybook!
Almost every house has a cool porch too.
 Plenty of places to daydream....
 Oh yeah wouldn't this be nice, a second story deck....
 This shabby chic patio in the photo below needs a big comfy reading chair...
 Fun entry on the place below...
Downtown Nevada City...
 These pictures are deceiving, it was actually a busy bustling day, lots of shoppers out.

 All the businesses have such unique signs.
 Very artsy.
 A little bit of everything in Nevada City.
Below is probably not the best picture of the South Pine Cafe where we had lunch.
 Don't judge a book by it's cover, the food is delicious!
Check out the cute waiter who looked just like Jared Leto oops I mean
 Check out their lunch menu... 
 I went with the grilled turkey....mmmmmmm autumn comfort food.
And that salad dressing, it looks like ranch but not even close, it's a feta, garlic vinaigrette.
 My hubby went with the lobster tacos, another wise choice.
We had a great day, full tummy's make for a happy couple.
To read more about Nevada City click here

To read about our day trip to the dark side of the moon Pyramid Lake click here

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Have a wonderful day,
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 I am OK with posting this picture because my husbands hair actually looks worse than mine!
33 years of bad hair days, we definitely have a lot to smile about!

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